Betsy Lee
Character Animator
Software Skills
Adobe Programs:
Premiere Pro
Animation Programs:
Autodesk Maya
Substance Painter
ToonBoom Harmony/ Essentials
Blender (3D Computer Software)
Substance Painter
Google Workspace (G Suite)
Microsoft Office Suite
Skills and
Animation Skills:
3-D Character Animation, traditional and digital 2-D Animation, puppet/symbol animation.
3-D Modeling and texturing with Autodesk Maya and Substance Painter
Soft Skills:
Effective Communication
Time Management
Critical thinking and problem-solving
Project Management

San Jose State University
08/2015 - 05/2020
BFA Animation/ Illustration
Fundamentals in Animation, Illustration, Story-boarding, Design, and 3-D Modeling
Concentration in 3-D Animation
Chabot College
08/2012 - 05/2015
AA-T General Art
Museum design, JavaScript coding, Drawing fundamentals
Production Experience
Apple Inc. via RMSI North America Inc.
3D Model Project Lead (2023 - Present)
Promoted to 3D Model Project Lead
Oversees work-load priorities and manage a team of 13
Build, managed, and tracked over 300 3D-model priorities
Provide additional support and feedback to 3rd party and internal teams
Creating and updating workflow pipelines
Apple Inc. via Apex Systems
3D Modeler Team Lead (2022 - 2023)
Promoted to 3D Modeler Team Lead
Oversees team work-load priorities and communication with Apex Systems and Apple Inc.
Recruiting, onboarding, and training new team members
Build, manage, and track 3D Model priorities
Create workflow tasks for new 3D Model requests
Provide additional support and feedback to 3rd party and internal teams
Troubleshooting and collaboration with Engineers
3D Modeler (2021-2022)
Build, manage, and track 3D Model priorities
Create workflow tasks for new 3D Model requests
Provide additional support and feedback for 3rd party teams
Troubleshooting and collaboration with engineers
The Morning Bake Short Film (2019-2020)
Released May 22, 2020
Senior Animator, Producer
Led meetings and provided feedback to 3-D Animators, Visual Development Artists, and Modelers
Created and updated weekly physical records and digital files to maintain current, accurate and compliant documentation on google spreadsheet/drive
Maintained schedules, managed deadlines, and interacted with teammates to support production activities by assigning shots, props, and lighting work and redirecting questions to respective departments
Created both acting and body mechanic shots to work within a sequence
Used Premiere Pro to mix and edit tracks for short film
Taidaima (Coming Home) Short Film (2018-2019)
Released May 22, 2019
Animator, Clean-up Artist
Collaborated in a 2-D Student animated short film using ToonBoom Harmony Advanced
Created multiple 2D rough animated shots and reworked peers' animation to finalize proportions and color
Utilized both hand-drawn and puppet animation
Green Ninja Show (Aug. 2018 - Dec. 2018)
Released December 2018
Created Puppet animation using Adobe Animate
Executed dialogue shots with multiple characters
Collaborated with different major departments